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archaeoWISe is a private
company contributing to the investigation and/or preservation of threatened
heritage sites worldwide. archaeoWISe focuses on regions where archaeological
survey is momentarily not available or where it has not yet been
institutionally developed.
archaeoWISe Mission
As contractors, we guarantee to our customers a professional preparation,
management, and implementation of archaeological field interventions worldwide. archaeoWISe
proposes the best and fastest adaptive investigation and/or preservation
solutions for threatened archaeological sites worldwide
Fast service
In a world characterized by fast paced changes and rapid expansions, archaeoWISe offers the fastest possible field intervention on archaeological heritage sites facing
major natural or human destruction threats. We give
governmental or international agencies, regional councils, and ethnic minority
groups a unique chance to contribute to save the invaluable knowledge preserved in archaeological sites.
archaeoWISe Method
Strategic proposal and external support
Once the goals and range of a possible intervention are defined with our
customer, archaeoWISe elaborates a specific strategic and logistic
proposal for the archaeological intervention. If necessary, archaeoWISe
seeks additional scholarly or technical input from external advisors in academic
or governmental institutions. The proposal and cost estimate are then discussed with the customer for approval. For interventions in less-developed
regions, archaeoWISe can assist and/or guide the customer for gaining additional
financial means from donor agencies to implement the intervention.
Field intervention and reporting
On the base of the established contract, archaeoWISe
sets up a custom-based team of
professional specialists capable of reaching the site to investigate with
minimal delay. On site, the fully equipped archaeoWISe-team, eventually assisted by locally
hired labor force, realizes the field investigation with state of the art
know-how and technical means. At campaign's end, an on-site elaborated preliminary
report is delivered to the mandatory institution. If the nature of the
elaborated results indicate necessary investigation extensions, those are
clearly explained to the customer and eventual further steps can be organized on
site. At latest twelve months after the intervention's end, archaeoWISe
delivers a final
scientific report in desired format. Depending on wishes, possible study extensions or
further analysis collaborations can be proposed.
Scholarly and technical advice
From our dynamic regional base office located in Switzerland, archaeoWISe
permanent links to academic, institutional, and private foundation councils
showing readiness to insure additional archaeological advice. In order to master
the challenges presented by our customers, we can count on the professional
skills of following partners and advisors:
- Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological
Research Abroad (SLFA): based in Zurich,
Switzerland, this foundation finances planed archaeological field research
internationally. Their focus are archaeological projects developed by Swiss
academic teams.
- Swiss National Funds for scientific research (SNF):
located in Bern, this is the governmental funding institution fro
- Specialized academic departments in various universities
(Geneva, Neuchâtel, Lausanne, Basel, Bern, Zurich, etc).
- Advisors in museums.
- Technical advisors from laboratories in various branches of
analytical research.
Fast, reliable, and accurate
As a Swiss based company with dynamic international flair, archaeoWISe
uses highest grade
technologies and know-how, as well as the fastest possible intervention methods to insure you the
best investigation results.
archaeoWISe Contact Information
archaeoWISe offers an adaptive range of solutions. Our base-office desk provides
further information. Our coordinator, Reto Blumer, is available for
specific questions.
archaeoWISe delivers an
adaptive range of solutions to your request... worldwide!
- Telephone
- +41 26 912 50 14
- +41 26 912 50 14
- Postal address
- archaeoWISe
- Archaeology Worldwide Intervention Service
27, rue de Vevey
CH-1630 Bulle FR Switzerland
- Electronic mail
- General Information, sales, and customer support: