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Company Profile

archaeoWISe's structure is made of two sections: our base office and our specialist network.

  • Reto Blumer, M.A. in Prehistoric Archaeology, leads and coordinates the company. As an experienced field archaeologist with peculiar project implementation in Asia, he developed the archaeoWISe concept from scratch. His charge and duty lies in the organization and coordination of the services proposed by archaeoWISe.
    Among his research projects, Reto Blumer was involved in the first international cooperation in Chukotka, northeastern Siberia, between 1995 and 2000.
    In 1999 and 2000, he also led the first archaeological excavation ever carried out in the himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.
    His MS dissertation - a systematic study of archaeological material from the Kitngipalak site (Kitnepaluk) on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, is available online.


administrator & documentalist

head & coordinator

The second and most important section is the which regroups many specialists in different archaeological investigation fields. None of the participating members of this network are regular employees of archaeoWISe, but serve other research institutions. archaeoWISe chose and gathered them in order to fulfill specific intervention requirements and field expertise. The specialists of our stay ready to follow our investigation standards in order to reach our aim, which is a fast implementation of archaeological salvage interventions worldwide.

At this stage of its development, archaeoWISe can count on the professional input of following specialists:

Profession Name

We constantly develop our to provide the best possible solution to your specific archaeological setting.


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Copyright © 2001 Archaeology Worldwide Intervention Service
Last modified: May 30, 2001